
Riddle: Johnny and the Teacher

  • Category : What is it?
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 3.25
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Can you solve this riddle?

The teacher says, "Who can tell what I'm holding? It's red and hard." A little boy named Johnny said, "I know: it's an apple." "Nice try," says the teacher. "But it's a ball. Okay, let's try again. What am I holding? It's soft and yellow." "I know, I know," said Johnny. "It's a stuffed animal (duck)." "No, sorry Johnny, that's not it. It's a tennis ball but I like the way you think." So Johnny says, "Okay teacher, it's my turn. What am I holding?" He puts his hand in his pocket and says it's hard and round and has a head. "Johnny, go to the principal's office right now young man!" Johnny says, "What did I do?" Then she says, "You know what you did. Now go!" He stood up and walked to the door. He said, "It's not what you think but I like the way you think." What is it?


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