
Riddle: Kids Are More Creative Than Adults!!

  • Category : Misc
  • Contributor : Joel Tan
  • Rating: 3.19
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Can you solve this riddle?

A kid in first grade was sitting next to a famous, rich lawyer who had gone through superb education during a flight. They felt bored and decided to play a game. They will ask each other a question and following the kid's conditions, if the lawyer fails to answer the kid's question, he will pay the kid a trillion dollars but if the kid fails to answer the lawyer's question, the kid will pay the lawyer $1. So the lawyer starts first.
(I know what you will be thinking, but please read the whole riddle and answer first) The lawyer asks,"What is the distance between the earth and and sun?" The kid was unable to answer and paid the lawyer $1. The kid asks," What can explore the entire earth faster than the speed of light starting with a million legs and ending with a trillion legs?" The lawyer checked up books, the internet( with his laptop),and everything but could not find the answer, so he gave the kid 1 trillion dollars. The lawyer asked,"whats the answer?"
What happened next?


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