Riddle: The Barbershop
- Category : Logic
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Can you solve this riddle?
A man came into the barbershop to get his hair cut. After he was done he asked the barber, "How much do I owe you?" and the barber said, "Double what's in the register and take ten dollars out for yourself." A second man came into the barbershop to get his hair cut. After he was done he asked the barber, "How much do I owe you?" and the barber said, "Double what's in the register and take ten dollars out for yourself." The third man came into the barbershop to get his hair cut. After he was done he asked the barber, "How much do I owe you?" and the barber said, "Double what's in the register and take ten dollars out for yourself." When the barber looked intohis register, he had 0 dollars. How much money did the barber have in his register to start out with?
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